hello:) thank you for your interest with Qween’s IPL hair removal.
this Black Friday sale, let Qween help you bare confidently.
shop here directly: https://www.fingb.co/pro/eshop/home/package/2391?id=325
7 years on, still priding ourself
are you still shaving almost every day or every other day? or are you going through painful waxing month after month?
this is a new year,
it is time to finally embark on your hair removal journey with Qween already!
you can thank us 6 sessions later!
let Qween help you be
be committed for your hair removal for the next 6 sessions at least.
you will definitely see certain results.
this Black Friday sale, you don’t want to miss.
the most coveted 1 year IPL package.
helped thousands of ladies bare confidently since 2017.
book yourself a trial now, don’t trust our words that we are painless (almost) and efficient.
if you have more than 3 body parts of unwanted hairs to removal,
we suggest you going straight for our FULL BODY session!
//our 6-sessions package has 3 year expiry, definitely more than enough time to utilise the session *3-sessions package come with 18 months’ expiry
we also have 3-sessions package for our customers who do not require so many sessions for their maintainence, and even for you new customers who have done IPL else where before and do not necessarily require 6 sessions! 🙂
please do take note that the 3-sessions package comes with 18-months validity.
Qween, we pride ourselves as your hair-removal specialist, which is friendly for your wallet, and very conveniently located in town Orchard.
Now the question, which is YOUR choice when it comes to dealing with the bush at our precious strawberry region?
Posted a long time back on our Instagram ( ig handle: qweensg) was this photo showing the top part of my brazilian area.
NO, NO, I am not going to show you the rest of my brazilian area.
To answer some of the common questions that we receive at Qween about our IPL treatment:
• How our IPL machine works? Qween’s Super Hair Removal machine utilises a high repetition rate of short pulses delivered deep into the dermis, achieving high average power and therapeutically effective heat build-up, with virtually no pain.
It works by gradually heating the dermis to a temperature that effectively damages the hair follicles, preventing them from growing back, while protecting the surrounding skin. The hair follicles are not exposed to a single pulse of high energy, which can injure the skin, but rather receive multiple, short, low energy pulses until enough heat energy is generated to damage the hair follicle.
The In-motion™ technique used with SHR involves moving the applicator repeatedly over the treatment area, applying energy over a large grid- not just the area of the hair follicle. In-motion collectively heats up and damages the hair follicles, ensuring full coverage which dramatically improves results. (* retrieved from our hand note by the manufacturer)
• You will need to shave the area you want IPL-ed a day or two before your appointment. Some salons charge a fee for shaving you — and while Qween does not, wouldn’t you prefer to just shave yourself?
One, save the awkwardness or itch.
Two, we use normal cheap disposable shaver, so imagine you come with a bush, and our therapist has to go through up to 30 minutes trying to slowly shave clean you part of part for you? If you shave clean as much possible the night before during your warm shower (your pores will open up during a warm shower and the hair follicles soften and therefore easier to shave), you save a lot of time coming in and going out. Most importantly, you save your skin from any irritation if we do dry-shaving for you.
A brazilian IPL session will take as quick as ten minutes if you come in shaven clean !
Three, the most important factor, like I mentioned in point two, we use disposable shaver that does not come with lubricating strips. If you come in with a bush, there is no guarantee you do not suffer from razor burn, and if you have an open wound, it is more likely a “warmer” session for you. Even if you do cut yourself accidentally at home, at the least , you have overnight to recover and will not affect your IPL session.
• Pain factor I rate 2 out of 10, with 10 being most painful. Honestly, there is almost no pain, just warmer sensation when the hand piece moves along the side, nearer to the labia/lips. I tend to ask my therapist to go on 2 power lower for side of the lips and I will feel almost nothing.
Some customers do not feel any thing at all throughout the process even if the same power was used throughout the session. But on a side note, really, really almost painless.
• Can I go during my lunch break? Brazilian IPL treatment is surprisingly quick, like I mentioned earlier, if you come in for your appointment shaven, it would be in and out of our shop in ten minutes.
• Can I still go for my waxing session / epilate?
We shave before each IPL session so that the pulses are delivered deep into the dermis (root of our hair follicle) that contains the most black pigment which is what determines the effectiveness of your IPL treatment.
When you wax/epilate, you remove the hair root, and where does that leave the hair follicle which we need?
So the answer is no.
• How many sessions do I need go through to achieve “hair-free”
Generally, 6 to 12 sessions are sufficient, at an interval of 4 to 8 weeks to complete a cycle treatment. However, that really depends on individual’s age and hormones. Also, depending on the treatment area.
For me, it took just 4 sessions to drastically reduce the amount of hair on my arms/legs. less than 10 sessions and the hairs are mostly gone! I probably do 1 maintenance zap one a year on my limbs!
But for my brazilian part, I have had gone through 10 sessions before the top part of above “the triangle” are mostly gone! I still see growth on the side of the labia but that is because I have really sensitive thin skin down there, plus the presence of moles, even normal power setting causes my to feel “hot”. the “hotness” is not something to tolerate because we wouldn’t want to burn our skin right? 🙂
we have customers who have gone hairless above in less than 12 sessions but continued doing a zap once in every 2-4 months to zap the remanence of the hairs at the labia. we also have very small percentage of customers who need more than 15 sessions, that is normal too depending on how individual skin/hair follicles react to the heat energy.
It is recommended that you return for additional re-examination 3-4 months later, or when any new hair has grown in the treatment area, after you complete the cycle of 6 – 12 sessions.
- Are 6 sessions cycle sufficient for complete hair removal? why does Qween sell 1-year package?
6 sessions would/might be sufficient depending on treatment area, and depending on individual (age/hormones), like I have emphasised many times.
Stubborn treatment areas (like particularly the brazilian) might need up to 8 or 10 or even 12 and up to 20 sessions before you can achieve hair-free result. However, some clients that we have, also achieve the result after just 6 sessions.
Our 1 year unlimited gives you the extra time interval to treat any new (or the few remaining) hair that grows in the treatment area after the continuous 6 session, without having to pay for additional ala carte top up sessions. Having these extra spare sessions will allow you to achieve guaranteed hair-free results.
We recommend all clients who have taken our previous unlimited IPL package to come in at a 4-6 weeks interval during the first 4 to 6 treatment session, and they can space out to 4 – 8 weeks for the 5th to 8th session onwards to allow for new growth.
Basically as the hair growth diminishes, we stretch your visits out and eventually, you will only need to come in for maintenance sessions every few months depending on your skin and hair type.
You should however, take note that new growth will vary based on our body growth and depends on individual (gender, age, hormones), which brings about the new question.
- Will the hair growth return?
Needless to say, hair will grow back in time. For some, you might start to see a few strands of hair growing after 1 year or more from completing your treatment cycle, or for the lucky few, you might only start seeing regrowth after 2 years or more.
Put in bluntly, you and I, we are human beings and alive, which means growth hormones are active in our bodies. That said, as long as the growth hormones are active in our bodies, hair is bound to grow back, after some time, which is why maintenance sessions are necessary.
• Results Will Vary. I’ve gotten my brazilian, upper lips, and legs IPLed to varying results. I have had less successful results on my brazilian and great results on my legs (read them on https://qween.com.sg/2018/01/24/my-ipl-journey-female-lower-half-leg/) if you compare them both on a 6-sessions basis.
However, we have many customers who told me they have seen DRASTIC hair reduction even after 4 sessions. Lucky them!
A customer who have had completed a treatment cycle 2 years back at another salon and has regrowth now, came for her second IPL session after one month and we were shocked that here were barely hair on her brazilian area!
We have had so many successful testimonial to share about our ipl treatment!
Try it for yourself.
Good deals like this, are worth sharing.
That said, I hope this post has given you further insights on Qween’s Brazilian IPL treatment.
DO YOUR GIRL. MATH, how much money has gone down the drain over your past many years of monthly painful waxing?
You do your own girl math. How much waxing money has gone down the drain with nothing but pain and still the same amount of recurring hair?
Our 6-sessions package is definitely going to be one of your best spent money!
We pride our machine the Lamborghini of hair removal.
Book yourself a trial now. this will be the best money spent.
3 years expiry, no rush:-
Look good, feel good, your one stop in town Orchard.
-Original 6 sessions package prices – (3 years expiry)
prices before less
Upper lip 6 sessions package | $180 ($30/ session)
Full face 6 sessions package | $780 ($130/ session)
Under arm 6 sessions package | $300 ($50/ session)
half arm 6 sessions package | $780 ($130/ session)
Full arm 6 sessions package | $900 ($150/ session)
Full back/chest&sto 6sessions package | $1320 ($220/ session)
half leg 6 sessions package | $900 ($150 / session)
Full leg 6 sessions package | $1320 ($220 / session)
Brazilian 6 sessions package | $720 ($120 / session)
Full Brazilian 6 sessions package | $840 ($140/ session)
Full body 6 sessions package | $2000 ($333 / session)
book your trial now
prices before less
Female Upper lip @ $20
Female Full Face @ $90
Female Under arm @ $40
Female Lower half arm @ $80
Female Full arm @ $120
Female Lower half leg @ $120
Female Full leg @ $180
Female Full back / front @ $120
Female Brazilian @ $80
Female Brazilian full off @ $100
Female Full body @ $200
me and my team, we look forward to receiving you at Qween,
you can thank us 6 sessions later 🙂
jo.Ling |co-founder